"Crime analysis is the identification of and the provision of insight into the relationships between crime data and other potentially relevant data with a view to investigative and/or judicial action."

IACS is strategically positioned to provide the Investigative Team with investigative analytical support services that leverage the latest computer software and database tools. These are used to derive answers to the questions of identification, activity, classification and significance and fit them into the investigative / intelligence picture.

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Investigative Support - Investigative Strategy - Prosecutorial Support

IACS services are ideally suited to support the investigative process. We achieve this with the identification of investigative/evidential gaps and opportunities through the analysis of case source material. Also IACS can provide assistance in the identification of investigative priorities to satisfy longer term goals.

Through the power of the industry leading tools from i2, our resources can prepare analytical reports and charts in support of the judicial process that clearly identify case findings. Link and Case Notebook output are used throughout the investigative community to clearly present complex relationships in difficult cases.

These services are provided through proven investigative analytical techniques…

Crime Pattern Analysis
Association or Link Analysis
Time Line or Case Analysis
Telephone Record Analysis
Market Profile Analysis
Demographic/Social Trend Analysis
Target Profile Analysis
Network Analysis
Criminal Business Analysis
Investigative/Intelligence Assessment Analysis
Risk Analysis
Results Analysis